Thanks for a Great Year!

Dear Friends and Family,

Wow! It has been a long time since we’ve updated many of you on our music endeavors. We miss you! Though it’s been a while, we can assure you that the lack of news has not been from lack of activity. In fact, we have so much news that we need to split it up over two different posts. For today, here are a few highlights of how you've helped us by being so supportive.

A Few Highlights from 2014:

  • We launched our website,

  • We released a live music video of our first song, “Home Will Be” (Click here to watch it).

  • People all over the U.S. heard our music with the documentary CLOSURE airing on national TV, Netflix and Hulu.

  • We contributed music to more films, such as Or Perish in the Attempt (in production) and a series of Hopstories.

  • For the first time ever, we tried our hand at children’s music when we were hired to write, record, produce and mix an album to accompany a VBS curriculum (Click here for sound samples).

  • We brought our music to the South for the first time when we visited Nashville, Tennessee and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

  • We were privileged to attend a phenomenal songwriters’ and artists’ retreat.

  • And an incredible series of events took place … but that will have to wait for our next update :)

Stay Tuned!

In order to have a more efficient way of staying in touch, we have started an official email list (don't worry, we won't bombard your inbox!). To sign up for future email updates, please enter your email address into the “Subscribe” section to the right.

We will be writing again soon to share something awesome! Thank you all for your love and support; we are so excited with where it is bringing us!


Much love,

Mr. & Mrs. Something