The Closure Soundtrack
The Closure Soundtrack
This debut release features the music that helps tell the inspiring story of a 26 year-old's search for her birth family in the documentary, CLOSURE.
Writing and recording the music for CLOSURE was like embarking on a new journey we never thought possible. While writing music for film was something we’d always dreamed of doing, we never thought we’d have the opportunity to do it.
We’d been writing music together and separately for quite some time but had just recently started our band, Mr. & Mrs. Something. Bryan and Angela Tucker attended our debut concert and must have enjoyed our music, because it was only three days later that Bryan asked us to create music for CLOSURE.
Because both our band and our marriage were only several months old and we would be working on a short deadline amidst busy schedules, our first inclination was to say no. However, after watching the rough cut, we realized this was an amazing opportunity that we’d be fools to refuse.
We revealed the secret that Mrs. Something had learned the cello by unveiling "Break These Chains" to Bryan and Angela.
At the same time, we were intimidated. The film was already well-done, told an incredible story about courageous individuals and families, and had tightly fitted filler music. It felt like a tough act to follow if we were to impress Bryan with anything, much less make music that did the film justice. Though the task was daunting and, like most worthwhile ventures, had the risk of failure, we said yes.
Throughout the course of the next three months, we spent countless hours writing new music and lyrics in a way we’d never done before. In the past, we’d written songs based on our own thoughts, feelings and experiences. For the film, we had to write based on those of someone else. We were challenged to express characters, emotions and situations of the story through music. We even wrote music in styles we would not have done otherwise.
Not only did we write in ways and styles we’d never done before, but we also played instruments we’d never played before. Knowing that a strings sound would perfectly fit several of the scenes, Chelsea decided to purchase and learn the cello. Benjamin also fulfilled a longtime dream of playing guitar with a cello bow.
With our new songs and new instrumentation, we headed to the closet (our makeshift recording isolation booth) and recorded.
All vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards, bass, banjo, mandolin, percussion, melodica, cello, ukulele & clarinet performed by Mr. & Mrs. Something
All songs written by Benjamin and Chelsea Peck.
Special Guest Musician: Chris Davis - Drums on tracks 1, 3, 6 and 8
Produced by Mr. & Mrs. Something except track 8 which was produced by Mr. & Mrs. Something and Jerome Peck.
Recorded by Mr. & Mrs. Something at The Treehouse in Seattle, WA except the drums on tracks 1, 3, 6 and 8, which were recorded at 3/1 Studios in San Bernadino, CA.
Mrs. Something showing off our elite vocal isolation booth: our closet.
Mixed by Jesse Proctor at The Barn in Olalla, WA except track 8, which was mixed by Jerome Peck at Brotown Records in Oceanside, CA.
Mastered by Stephen Pettyjohn at Ethereal Mastering.
Album Artwork by Peter Orr with Porr Vision Art Direction.
Photos taken by Peter Orr and Bryan Tucker.
Special thanks to Bryan and Angela Tucker for believing in us and inviting us help tell an incredible story, to our family and friends for your constant love and encouragement, to Jerome Peck, Chris Davis, Jesse and Lara Proctor, Peter and Sam Orr, the Bert Family, and everyone else who contributed to the creation and spreading of CLOSURE.